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Growing Balearics

by Jason Moore

It is quite amazing how the Balearic population has increased in the space of 10 years, a 30 percent rise to almost 1.1 million. According to the official figures almost 20 percent of the population is now non-Spanish.Having such a bigger population will obviously put a strain on the island´s limited resources from hospitals to roads and schools. The local authorities need to take the growth of the population into account in their long range plans. Also, you have to take into account that during the summer months there are at least one million tourists on the island as well. So the Balearics can no longer be termed as a small place. The government policy at the moment is to cutback on everything from the National Health Service to new roads. Obviously money is tight but with a record number of people living on the islands the cutbacks are only going to make things much worse. What is clear is that the Balearics are a very desirable place to live and this will help increase the local population even further.

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