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It's all going to end in tears

by Humphrey Carter

Spain has at least two days of football ecstasy to enjoy, or possibly even more if they win the final on Sunday evening, but once the euphoria is over, the country's going to have a very harsh dose of reality.

While the Spanish squad train to defend their title and the fans prepare for what could be a historic party, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is desperately trying to save the country from going spectacularly bust.

As usual, little of that was on yesterday's front pages, it was the football but Spain can not live off football, especially considering that most of the Primera Liga clubs have massive debts and are on the brink going into administration.

Never mind a country, it appears that the Spanish cannot even run a football club properly. Arguably, it may have the best league in the world, but the clubs have paid a high price for signing the top players.

Rajoy is probably quite relieved that the football team is taking the heat off him at the moment while he ducks under the radar at EU summits but Spain could get one almighty shock on Sunday night. Merkel does not look like the lady is for turning easily on more bailouts and, if Germany beat Italy last night and go on to steal Spain's crown in the final, it is going to be a very black Monday for Spain and Rajoy. All Spain can cling on to is that Nadal wins Wimbledon or Alonso the F1 - but they will not be bailing out Spain.

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