I am afraid I must disagree with the Editor's opinion with regard to President Bauza and his success or lack of, since taking office. Before either he or Sr Rajoy put themselves up for the slaughter, I had already volunteered my opinion to anyone who asked, and also to those who hadn't, why any sane person could actually volunteer to take on a position that they are in now, probably knowing full well what the future would bring, even if the electorate didn't, or if they did, couldn't care less. I doubt that even George Clooney, if he were the Balearic President, would have a popularity rating of over 30%. Making and taking tough decisions is hard, but at least he is doing his best in difficult circumstances, especially when members of his own party are trying to torpedo him below the water line. As far as I am concerned the unacceptable face of politics is when the mismanagement, to be extremely polite, of taxpayers money takes place, and not when you try and rectify a situation that is not entirely of your own making. And finally, anyone who thinks that things here are going to get better before they get a lot worse, is fooling himself and his family if they are interested in his opinion. The only bright side to the dreadful mess we are in is that our local bank probably owes more money to its creditors than we do.
Yours sincerely, Simon Tow