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Dear Sir,

l Dear Sir, I read with interest the article by Monroe Bryce regarding Utz Claassen's plans for Real Mallorca, and I would like to add my support to Monroe and his hope that Mr. Claassen is actually on the right track.

I have lived in Palma for three years, have had a season ticket at Son Moix for two, and have seen the team punch above their weight each season.
However my feeling is that the current directors are simply playing at running a football club, and for one of those who has since fortunately departed to suggest last season that maybe the club would be better off in the second division is absolutely scandalous.

Claassen's ideas have included:- 1 Trying to encourage football fans from northern Europe to holiday here and take in matches at Son Moix.
There may be some work to do here given that Majorca hoteliers seem to want to close through most of the football season, but a commendable idea nonetheless.

2 Encouraging British and German players to come to play for Mallorca.
Again a lot of work would need to be done, but with many of the Premiership clubs electing to send some of their squad out on loan, I would think a season or two in Mallorca, with the opportunity to pit their skills against the likes of Ronaldo, Messi etc is a more exciting and rewarding prospect for fringe players than a season at Rochdale, or Southend (no offence to these particular clubs, just an example).

Caparros appears to have done a good job with the players available this season, had them playing for each other and with some spirit – however the normal close season ducking and diving means out go several reasonable squad players, and a few may come in, if he is lucky! I really do question the capabilities of the current directors to make decent signings.

Claassen may not be any better, but he may be wise enough to give Caparros a say in who they get. There is a suggestion that Claassen is just talking big. So what? Let him put his money where his mouth is, he cannot do any worse than the current policy makers.

If his proposal fails to materialise the club will be no worse off, however if he can make the plans work, then who knows, maybe his vision of Real Mallorca giving Barcelona and Real Madrid a run for their money is not so fanciful. I am sure Real Mallorca, and the delights Majorca offers in general, could be an attractive proposition for some of the investors currently looking to buy into football.

Peter Richardson

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