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By Jason Moore
WHY is it that only during election times do politicians come up with good ideas! I know this is rather a generalisation but in some instances it is certainly the case. Take the Mayor of Palma, Aina Calvo, she has announced plans to transform some key Palma streets into “tourist areas” so that shops can have extended opening hours. In other words, similar to shops in the tourist areas, they would be able to open when they like. This is a great idea and one which could easily revolutionise Palma as a shopping centre. Unfortunately, the opinion polls says that Aina Calvo is heading for defeat in the local elections and as a direct result there is little chance that this idea will ever be adopted. I also think it would be a good idea to relaunch the campaign, A Tourist, A Friend. About 15 years ago the city council used this campaign and I believe that it was a success. Everyone, likes to feel welcome and this campaign certainly made visitors feel that way. I am sure that we will be hearing hundreds of ideas from our politicians in the coming months which sounds like a very good idea. It will be interesting to see how many actually come into being and how many are just election statements, never to be heard again. Unfortunately, in most instances this will be the case.
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