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Time to be careful

By Jason Moore
BRITAIN has quite rightly come under fire this week over “British jobs for British workers” which breaks every European rule in the book. The fact that a group of British workers do not believe that their fellow Europeans should be able to work in Britain opens many cans of worms. I won´t say anymore in case the Spanish authorities decide that a Spaniard should be writing this column! But it is not only the British, you will be glad to hear.

The other day we carried a news story saying that a third of all those without a job in the Balearics were born outside Spain. In otherwords they are foreigners. Shock, horror. But you must remember that a third of the workforce in the Balearics is foreign and this figure is probably even higher in key industries such as construction and tourism. The fact that a sizeable number of foreigners are claiming unemployment benefit means that they have been in work and have paid social security so why shouldn´t they receive unemployment benefit. I know times are hard but they are hard for all. Remember that many of these foreigners came to the Balearics in the first place to do a job that Majorcans didn´t want to do (and probably still don´t want to do). Employment for all not just jobs for the lucky few.

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