Dear Sirs, British, German, French, European and Majorcan home owners who may be absent in the 2011 municipal elections of 50 new Mayors in Majorca may wish to empower their local neighbourhood association with their proxy vote, so that their vote counts. After all, home owners pay local rates and taxes, but often their voice goes unheard.
The Association can use this block votes democratically and legally to make deals with local politicians - such that our interests are served. Any ambitious politicians offered, say, one thousand votes in return for fixing dangerous and subsided local streets and for repairing broken lamps, would be very interested in our offer. We can make politicians vie with each other for our block votes. This is democracy in action. The Association can help home owners and residents register to vote, as foreigners are automatically excluded from voting locally for the mayor unless they go along and register.
We British and other expatriates are often excluded, sometimes by language or ignorance - or apathy - from local affairs. But complaining is not enough; we have to participate and vote and organise and work our plan. But it is difficult for us to stand as politicians as foreigners. However, by working with local neighbourhood associations, like ours in the Port of Pollensa, we can indeed influence the local (if not the national) political process in a non-party political way, to the benefit and well-being of all, residents and tourists.
Now is the time to start registering new, local associations, to represent all 50 Majorcan town halls and organise the registration and proxy voting of each and every European resident and home owner in your town. We can also help enfranchise and empower anew disillusioned Spanish voters. Together we can federate 50 new, island- wide associations and make a big difference! One hundred thousand European expats who live and work in Majorca, over 10% of the island population, have no corresponding political representation nor influence on how our taxes are spent where we live. This is wrong but we can change this. Just register an association where you live - today! The Neighbourhood Association of Gotmar, Port of Pollensa, is happy to help any individual advertise, create and register their own local association.
Dr. Garry Bonsall
AAVV de Gotmar