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Tourist spending...

Dear Sir, I would like to know where Mr Moore gets his information on how much, the average British holidaymaker spends when on holiday in Majorca!! I would love to know how to survive for two weeks on 600 euros! I have my timeshare apartment which I pay annual maintenance fees and as a family we are delighted with this arrangement–we have had 15 years of wonderful holidays and have come to know Majorca as our second home! We would love to come over out of season in the winter Dec–March but try and get a flight of any kind is a nightmare!! My daughter loves shopping in Palma! As a family of three we spend well over this budget nearly 2000 pounds last summer–entrance fees for museums and eating out every night in the wonderful choice of restaurants all over the island.– Car hire is getting more expensive as well but we need the car to travel to see friends who are lucky to live here in Majorca all year round. We travel all over the island we're based in the south east and last year the petrol rise was noted! –600 euros would last us 3–4 days?

Last October we gave up trying to get flights (school holiday week) and ended going to Cuba to the dreaded ALL INCLUSIVE–(Cuba doesn't have the infrastructure for any other holiday). We had a wonderful time and the Cuban people are very poor but very friendly they thought it was wonderful and loved how we tried to speak in Spanish (our 16yr old daughter is fluent) We didn't pay that much more for our week in Cuba as we would have in flights to Majorca. Maybe the watershed has already been met!! So, Majorca also needs Winter flights what is wrong with making the unprofitable hotels into timeshare apartments, or private apartments where the Majorcan Government would know that they would be well looked after and maybe more affluent holidaymakers will come back. That's if they can get flights!! Weekend breaks to Majorca what a fantastic idea, I know our family (daughter and friends) would definitely recommend it! E Weldon, by email l Jason Moore replies: the survey on tourist spending was compiled by the national hoteliers association which said that on average a tourist spent 600 euros while on holiday in Spain.

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