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Change of site for theme park

Dear Sir, Whilst agreeing wholeheartedly with John Rule regarding the “expenses case” in Calvia, I do feel that there should be strong opposition to the proposed theme park in Son Ferrer.

The chosen site is not only one of the last stretches of beautiful countryside in this part of Calvia but it is too near Son Ferrer and would create horrendous noise and traffic problems for a quiet, residential area.

A theme park might be good for Calvia and good for year-round tourism, but not at any cost. I wish the PP would lead a campaign to find a less intrusive site.

The enormous tract of scrubland west of Magalluf would be perfect for this kind of development. It might cost the Danish promoters much more, but surely that would be preferable to the destruction of idyllic, irreplaceable farmland. We miss the bridge column on Sundays, any chance of reinstating it?

Yours faithfully, Renato Bertorelli, El Toro
Dear Sir,

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