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Saved by the Queen Mary

By Jason Moore
IF it hadn't been so serious it would have been laughable. Early yesterday morning I headed for my Queen Mary 2 vantage point at the Es Baluard museum in Palma to watch the super-liner sail into port. It was indeed a fantastic sight. As I surveyed the port I saw a launch towing a little boat very similar to one the I own which is moored along the Paseo Maritimo. As it was quite a distance away I was unable to see clearly if it was mine so I didn't give it a second thought. With the Queen Mary 2 safely at he moorings and it was a fantastic day so I thought I would go out for a quick spin and see the giant ship from the sea. Got to my mooring along the Paseo Maritimo and my boat had gone. The one I had watched being towed was mine. In a near state of panic I rushed around to where the launch had deposited the boat I had watched being towed. And indeed there she was. My pride and joy was nicely moored-up just infront of the museum. So I headed for the Palma Port Authority a mass of nerves. I told them the story and they said that no boat in my area had been moved. They were working on zone “A” and not zone “B”. After an anxious 15 minute delay I was finally informed that there had been a mistake. The port authoriy had got their zones muddled up and instead of moving the boat in moorning X Zone A they had moved the boat in the same mooring number in Zone B. Which was mine. Many apologies from the Port Authority and quite a relief for me. Thank you Queen Mary for getting me out of bed early and alerting me to this “awful” mistake. Can you imagine my horror when I went down to the mooring this weekend to find no boat and no explanation. Mistakes happen, as they say, and he just hope the Palma Port Authority brush-up on their alphabet.
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