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Dear Sir,

I write in support of Wendy Peters's letter (May 20) about the Mayor of Calvia's spending spree.
When we cast our votes in the local elections next Sunday, let us focus on local matters. Much as most of us deplore the chaos in Iraq and the central government's handling of the ecological disaster off the coast of Galicia, these issues have nothing to do with our decision about who we want to govern Calvia for the next four years. Ms Peters could also have mentioned the meal cheques for families with children, the discounts for ladies in beauty salons, the expensive preparations for the fiesta to celebrate the completion of the pedestrian walkway (which had to be cancelled at the last moment) and the cost of the ridiculous numbers which adorn our main roundabouts and road junctions. Those of us who believe with Wendy Peters, that our Mayor is a spendthrift, may have to make the painful decision to vote for a party we would not support at a national level.

Yours faithfully, George Tunnell

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