By Jason Moore
I think the time has come for Britain to make a bold decision. I've never been a great fan of the single currency but perhaps the time has come for Britain to join. I make this observation after travelling through Europe last week and seeing its many advantages. It makes life a lot easier being able to arrive in one country and not have to change money and also know exactly what you are paying for each given product or article. Really, I think, the euro debate should be as simple as that. With an ever growing number of Britons living and working abroad across Europe I don't think Britain can remain isolated for too much longer. The euro train has already passed Britain by and there is a danger that it may just carry on travelling leaving Britain with a currency which continues to fall in value. Don't get emotional about money is what someone once told me and that should be the case in Britain. At the end of the day what is the difference of having sterling or the euro I don't think its going to involve a major change in anyone's lifestyle in Britain. With the British economy growing at a faster rate that those countries in the eurozone, with unemployment and interest rates at an all time low, I am convinced that the British economy will easily pass Chancellor Gordon Brown's five economic tests. It is a political decision not an economic one and it is time that Britain embraced the single currency for what it is. I think it is rather sad that anyone should think that the end of the pound will mean the end of Britain's independence. It is just a currency and not a symbol of nationalism. So I urge the British government to make a bold decision before it is too late.