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Congratulations to the Americans and British

Dear Sirs,

Congratulations to our skilled American and British surgeons who have achieved in just three tense weeks what France, German and Russian faith-healers failed to do in twelve weeks - the removal of the cancerous growth in Baghdad threatening the survival of the body of humanity. Recovery will take some time. However, prevention is better than cure: The United Nations, which failed to convince Saddam to disarm, must now be totally re-thought and brought up to date. Selfish mercantile interests of some in the security council should no longer over-ride UN resolutions. Only democratic countries which allow their own citizens the right to vote should have a vote and a voice in the new UN. To guarantee the enforcement - if necessary - of future UN resolutions, an efficient world police force must fill the vacuum currently occupied by American and British soldiers. Once the new UN enforces its resolutions, all nations will be able to safely disarm.

Dr. G. Bonsall

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