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London is not Britain

I have come to the conclusion that Majorca is no longer cheap and any further increase in prices could dent the island's future as an ever popular tourist destination. I have just enjoyed a small break in England and I was amazed at the prices. Firstly, London foreign exchange centre are giving you almost 300 pesetas to the pound and I can see why Spanish tourism to the capital has nose-dived over recent years. If you are travelling with pesetas get ready for a shock. But that is London. I then headed out to one of England's rural heartlands...and what a difference. Prices halved and I think you could safely say that prices are on par with Majorca or even less despite the terrible exchange rates. If the pound wasn't so over-valued then I would boldy say that you could live cheaper in the rural “shires” than you can in Majorca. Another interesting aspect is that there are a fair number of holidaymakers in my old town and most of the hotels are open enjoying an occupancy level of close to 80 percent. I was amazed to find that north Norfolk had not closed down for the winter and infact it was quite busy with most attractions open for business. Why can North Norfolk with its freezing weather operate in winter and Majorcan can't? What Majorca can learn is that many sea-side towns in Britain have got their acts together and offer a series of attractions which the bad weather can't spoil, such as in-door swimming pools, covered parks areas etc, good food and value for money.

Now I suppose that the Majorcan delegation at the World Travel Market in London this week will return finding the capital as expensive as ever, and very quiet. But they should look further afield if the want to know what Britain is like at the moment because the rest of the country paints a different picture and people have money to spend but value for money is vital.

Jason Moore

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