Transport charges at Palma Airport delayed by a year

Concerns about added costs for travellers

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Coach operators are naturally opposed to the proposed charges. | Juan Luis Ruiz Collado

| Palma |

In July, the airports authority Aena announced its intention to introduce charges for transport providers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport and also at the airports in Ibiza and Menorca.

Excluded from this planned scheme were buses and taxis, which drew accusations of discrimination from coach operators, minibus services and VTC (vehicle transport with driver) licence holders. The Balearic association of travel agencies was critical of the plan, saying that it would lead to more cost for holidaymakers.

The intention had been to introduce the charges next year, but at a Thursday meeting between the CEO of Aena, Maurici Lucena, and the Balearic government minister for mobility, Marta Vidal, it was said that the charges will not come in until 2025.

Also up for discussion was the Aena plan to increase airport fees by 4.09% from March 1 next year. Vidal stressed that Madrid must take into account the dependence that there is on air transport  in the Balearics. The regional government wants the national ministry for transport to adopt specific measures to alleviate the effects of this increase.

According to Aena, the revised tariffs will result in an increased cost of 0.40 euros per passenger.

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