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National Police enter the row over Palma Airport arrivals parking

Drivers are within their rights to ignore security guard requests to move

Security personnel can inform and that's all they can do. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Palma |

The National Police have stepped into the row between Palma town hall and the airports authority Aena over the control of traffic accessing the parking in arrivals at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport.

A complaint was made to the police's private security unit on behalf of security personnel at the airport who felt that control was being left up to them. The unit has now issued a clear warning to all parties. Under no circumstances can security guards direct traffic and they most certainly cannot issue fines. All they can do is to advise drivers that they are parking in an area where this is not permitted and kindly ask them to move.

If drivers ignore this, and they are within their rights to do so, the only thing the security guards can then do is call Palma police, which is the responsible authority. The National Police have also made it very clear that no photographs or images can be taken of vehicles or number plates.

The town hall has meanwhile emphasised that the last thing it will do is to send local police officers in order to fine members of the public for evading what is an Aena revenue-generation purpose - charges after the fifteen minutes of free parking at the express car park have elapsed. The town hall continues to argue that there should be thirty minutes free parking and a greater number of parking spaces.

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