Summer traffic jams in Formentor a thing of the past

The number of passengers on the buses has shot up

Formentor lighthouse, Mallorca

The best way to get to the lighthouse is by bus. | Archive

| Pollensa |

Traffic jams on the Formentor road are being prevented thanks to the introduction of an automatic barrier in Puerto Pollensa.

Restrictions on the road have existed since 2018. Now from June 1 to September 30 and between the hours of 10am and 10.30pm, they hadn't eliminated congestion because of all the cars heading as far as Formentor beach and to the car park. This has been despite the fine for using the road from Puerto Pollensa, which can be annulled by sending a copy of the parking ticket to the traffic directorate.

Pollensa town hall had consistently argued that the only way to control traffic effectively was through the installation of barriers. This is the first summer that they have been in operation, and the benefits are evident by the fact that there aren't the jams there used to be and by the increased numbers of passengers on the shuttle buses which go all the way to the lighthouse.

The barrier will only open if there are spaces in the car park. The alternatives for people wishing to access the road but who don't have authorisation for vehicles are bicycles, taxis or the bus service. In June the number of bus passengers was just under 70,000. In June last year it was 16,484. The buses have also benefited because they are no longer being caught up in jams.

The restrictions were originally from mid-June to mid-September and only until 7pm. The changes were made because these didn't prevent, for example, all the excursions to watch the sunset.

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