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What's On Saturday 21 to Sunday 22 August

Guide of events taking place across the island

Concert of Aranjuez by guitarist Juan Reyes (Juan Estrada) (Parte II). | Youtube: JUAN REYES

| Palma |

Saturday, August 21

S'ILLOT FIESTAS - Children’s workshop - 10:00 - Courtyard of Centre Sociocultural - tickets - 40 children every 30 minutes // IX Aquatlí s’Illot 2021 - 17:00 - Arrival and departure from the pior - 1 hour duration // Nightfair - 19:30 - Ronda del Matí // Swing dance with Jazz Bouncing - 20:00 - Plaça del Mollet // Lyrical opera and zarzuela gala - 21:30 - tenor José Manuel Sanchez, soprano Marga Cloquell, pianist Alicia Moreno - Plaça del Llop - tickets enviumanacor. cat - S’ILLOT

SANT BARTOMEU FIESTAS - Folk dances Estol de Tramuntana, Aires Sollerics and Xeremiers de Soller - 20:00 - CEIP Es Fossaret school courtyard // Children’s musical Vaiana - 20:30 - Camp d’en Maiol - limited places // Music by the group Els Sargalls and Valnou - 21:00 - Plaça Constitució - SOLLER

CALA SANT VICENÇ FIESTAS - 18.00 - Children’s games - Cala Molins // 21.30 - Concert by the Pollensa Band of Music -Cala Molins - CALA SANT VICENÇ

AGOST A LA FRESCA - 21.00 - Ronda Murada Ciutat d’Alcudia race - From the Porta d’es Moll - Information, 971 897 103 - ALCUDIA

MUSIC - Pollensa Festival - 22.00: Adda Sinfónica, Pablo Sáinz-Villegas (guitar); Prokofiev, Rodrigo, Tchaikovsky. Sant Domingo Cloister, C. Guillem Cifre de Colonya. 25-30 euros. - POLLENSA (See video above)

MUSIC - Los Javaloyas - 20:00 - Plaça Europa - Free - EL TORO

MUSIC - Nitx de l’Art 2021 - Jazz music with Salat Jazz - 20:00 - Plaça Jaume II - Free - FELANTIX

MUSIC - Maria Jaume - 21:00 - Bellver Castle - 15€ at - PALMA

MUSIC - I Festival de Musica En Clu de Sot with Porter vs Holiday - 21:00 - Sa Comuna - 8€ at - LLORET DE VISTALEGRA

MUSIC - Bunyola Festival - Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés + Julia Colom - 21:00 - Municipal School Mestre Colom - 15€ at - BUNYOLA

MUSIC - Cultura Es Vida with Niña Pastori - 21:30 - Trui Son Fusteret - Tickets from 30€ at

MUSIC - Clave de Soul + Sonats - 21:30 - Plaça des Pou - Free - CONSELL

MUSIC - Anegats - 22:00 - Plaça de s’Arraco -5€ at - ANDRATX

MUSIC - Los Peligrosos Gentlemen - 22:00 - Hortella den Cotanet // Xanguito + MIaulos - 22:00 - Plaça Constitutió - Free - SANT JOAN

IX SANTANYI INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL - 21:00 - Juan Reyes (guitar), Queco Arjona (guitar), Soriana Ivaniv (violin), Kiko Carmona (percussion and dance) and Alberto Durán (singer) S’Abeurador- Free - invitations at - SANTANYI (see video above)

Sunday, August 22

S'ILLOT FIESTAS - Folk dances - Tramudança and Cofre Antic - 21:00 - Plaça del Llop. Tickets

SANT BARTOMEU FIESTAS - Mass for senior citizens- 19:00 - parish church // Folk dances Talaiot and Montuiri’s band of music - 19:30 - Plaça Major // Workshop (Yoga and Full Moon) - 20:00 - Son Forners site - MONTUIRI

SANT BARTOMEU FIESTAS - Arco Show - 19:00 - Puerto Soller bay // Concert Children’s music band - 20:30 - Teatre de la Terra - film Sing to follow // Concert Tomeu Penya - 22:00 - Plaça Constitució - SOLLER

CALA SANT VICENÇ FIESTAS - 19:00 - Performance by Circ Bover by the church - Tickets through // 21:30 Benlligats - concert of havaneres songs, Cala Molins - CALA SANT VICENÇ

MELODIES A L'AIRE - 20.00 - Walk to the Fonts Ufanes and acoustic concert by Joan Miquel Company and Marta Ferrer - From Plaça Major - Registration with the town hall - CAMPANET

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