Thursday weather in Mallorca - A warm first day of spring

Rain forecast to return at the weekend

| Palma |

The first day of meteorological spring will be a warm day and a somewhat unusual day given the recent pattern. Rain isn't forecast. It may well be cloudy in the morning, but there should be plenty of sun and with a forecast high of 24C. A breezy day, though, and there is a yellow alert for high winds in the Tramuntana from 8pm Thursday until 8am Friday; gusts of 70 km/h.

Friday and Saturday should also be reasonably warm but with the risk of rain returning (not a high probability). Temperatures are currently forecast to fall on Monday, the chance of rain expected to increase on Sunday.

Forecast for Thursday as of Wednesday 4.30pm (UV rating 4):

  • Alcudia (12C) 22C, moderate south breeze easing to light southeast; humidity 55%. Three-day forecast - Fri: 21, Sat: 20, Sun: 20.
  • Andratx (12C) 21C, moderate southeast breeze increasing to fresh east; humidity 50%. Fri: 19, Sat: 18, Sun: 17.
  • Binissalem (10C) 23C, gentle southeast breeze backing northeast; humidity 55%. Fri: 20, Sat: 19, Sun: 18.
  • Deya (11C) 22C, moderate southeast breeze increasing to fresh; humidity 50%. Fri: 19, Sat: 17, Sun: 16.
  • Palma (13C) 24C, moderate southeast-east breeze; humidity 45%. Fri: 20, Sat: 19, Sun: 18.
  • Pollensa (11C) 24C, fresh south breeze easing to moderate; humidity 55%. Fri: 22, Sat: 21, Sun: 20.
  • Porreres (11C) 22C, moderate southeast breeze easing to light; humidity 60%. Fri: 19, Sat: 19, Sun: 18.
  • Sant Llorenç (12C) 21C, gentle southeast breeze easing to light; humidity 70%. Fri: 21, Sat: 19, Sun: 19.
  • Santanyi (12C) 21C, moderate southeast breeze; humidity 65%. Fri: 20, Sat: 18, Sun: 18.
  • Sineu (11C) 22C, moderate southeast breeze easing to gentle; humidity 60%. Fri: 19, Sat: 18, Sun: 18.

* Light breeze to 11 km/h; gentle to 19; moderate to 28; fresh to 38.

Wednesday summary as of 4.30pm - Highs of 20.6 Banyalbufar, Palma Airport, 20.2 Palma University, 20.0 Puerto Soller, 19.8 Son Bonet (Marratxi), 19.7 Sant Elm, 19.5 Binissalem, Muro, 19.4 Palma Port, Porreres, 19.2 Cap Blanc (Llucmajor), 19.1 Es Capdellà, Santa Maria; Lows of 7.8 Serra Alfabia (Bunyola), 8.2 Son Torrella (Escorca), 10.6 Lluc, 11.6 Sineu, 12.0 Porreres; Gust of 59 km/h Serra Alfabia; Rainfall of 5.4 litres per square metre Son Torrella, 4.3 Lluc, 1.4 Serra Alfabia, 1.2 Sineu, 0.6 Sa Pobla.

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