The school year at the Academy School has come to an end!

And what a wonderful year it has been!

Year 6 Graduation for 2024 at the Academy International School

Year 6 Graduation for 2024 at the Academy International School. | Academy International School

| Palma |

Congratulations to our Reception 2 and Year 6 students who celebrated their End of Key Stage celebrations. They are excited to be moving on to another stage in their learning journeys. It was lovely to celebrate with them.

Secondary School Exam Week

Well done to our Key Stage 3 and IB DP1 students who have been working hard on their end of term assessments. They have been very supportive and encouraging of each other and in Y8N the students gathered before every exam to speak a few words of positive affirmations and wish each other luck.

Summer Concerts

The summer concerts that have taken place last week and this week once again have been amazing! The children have performed in a variety of wonderful shows with songs and dances and knew all the lines of the poems and stories. Their teachers are so proud of them. What young super stars!

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