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Sports Days at The Academy Junior School

Congratulations to the Blue Team on their win at the Junior School

Students from Nursery to Year 2 showed their skills, speed and enthusiasm as they completed obstacle courses showcasing so many sporting activities. | Academy International School

| Palma |

Last week we were very lucky with the weather when we celebrated our Olympic Sports Days! On Tuesday our students from Nursery to Year 2 showed their skills, speed and enthusiasm as they completed obstacle courses showcasing so many sporting activities. The opening dance was a big hit with all the audience and the children had great fun doing a warm up dance to start the sports events. Year 1 and Year 2 loved the races at the end of the event and wore the prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd with such pride.

On Wednesday morning Year 3 to Year 6 had a wonderful Opening Ceremony. After ‘lighting’ The Academy’s Olympic torch, the children proudly showed different skills. We had gymnasts, balancers, martial arts experts, tennis players, skateboarders and dancers. The games began when children from Year 3 to 6 raised the different coloured rings. Ms Hannah felt so proud of all the performers and we were all so impressed with how confident they are to want to share their skills with everyone.

Sports Day was such fun with traditional egg and spoon, and obstacle races, and at the end of the Sports Day all the children received a very special commemorative medal as this is an Olympic year and they were thrilled to have this special souvenir of the day. Many children told us it was their ‘first ever medal’ and the following day some mums said that the kids had slept with the medal in their bed! A big thank you to the PTA for sponsoring and organising the medals.

Congratulations to the Blue Team on their win at the Junior School. They ran a lap of the backfield and were so proud for their team to hold the trophy!

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