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Back to school - Queen's College

The children returned last week

Going back to school. | Queen's College

| Palma |

After a busy summer of painting and refurbishing classrooms and resurfacing patios, the children at Queen’s College returned to school last week to meet new teachers and make some new friends.

The beginning of September was especially exciting for the new children in the Nursery class; some children weren’t so sure about their first day at “big school” and about saying goodbye to mummy or daddy! There were a few tears, fortunately they did not last for long once the children realised that there were lots of things to play and that there were many new friends to play with!

Settling takes some a little longer - but the children are getting used to this and it is a joy to see their smiles as they realise that school is a lot of fun!

The first weeks of school are days of new books, beautiful handwriting, pencil cases filled with sharpened colours, rubbers and rulers - everything ready to set the very best examples for the new teachers. Golden rules are revised and explained so that every child understands exactly why they are important.

Parents are eager to discover which themes will be investigated in the new term, and the whole school community joins together to make the beginning of the new term the very best!

Welcome back children - we are ready for a wonderful new school year and there are lots of exciting activities waiting for you!

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