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Mental Health Week at Mallorca International School

It was a beautiful sunny day and gave us all a musical lift for the end of the week

Everyone needs time alone to reflect on feelings.

| Palma |

The importance of children’s mental health week is one we always include in our annual calendar of events and this year it was perhaps the biggest yet. With a range of activities from mindful art, assemblies from Place2be and an Appreciation Station set up in Secondary the students had a different experience each day.

Mr Seynaeve offered a voluntary obstacle course at lunch times which was a great success with students and staff alike. Getting them moving, challenging themselves and just having fun in the sunshine.

Ms Olmos, our PSHE Coordinator in Secondary, organised an inspirational talk from Abraham Calero who is an artist from Madrid, currently residing in Mallorca. He uses art as a tool to fight against suicide - raising awareness & prevention. He spoke to the students about demystifying the connection between art and mental health issues.

Thursday was Dress to Express day. Here are some of the key messages from Ms Zakia to our students and staff: Expressing yourself can help you to keep in touch with how you are feeling. It can also help release a lot of tension that you might be carrying around.

Sometimes, when people lose touch with how they feel, their feelings burst out in situations or ways that are perhaps inappropriate. Everyone needs time alone to reflect on feelings, therefore being able to express how you feel might help you make better decisions about what is right for you now. Learning to be real when you express yourself - when someone asks how you are feeling, do you respond “fine thank you” even though you aren’t? Learning that it is sometimes OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY.

The grand finale was the school Rock Band playing at the front of the school during break time. It was a beautiful sunny day and gave us all a musical lift for the end of the week. It also inspired some of our younger students to start music lessons! Thanks to all the teachers and students who were involved in organising and running the events.

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