News from Queen’s College

Their favourite job was taking the register!

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso | Queen's College

| Palma |

“Howling Wolves” Year 4 and taking the register - Nursery; Queen’s College

The “wolf study” was then extended into the art lesson

The children in Year 4 at Queen’s College have been busy learning about “non-chronological” texts. As part of their investigation Year 4 researched about wolves using laptops, they then text-marked key features to prepare, draft and edit their own reports. Using their computing skills the children then inserted an image to publish their final article.

The “wolf study” was then extended into the art lesson where the children painted beautiful pictures of “Howling Wolves” to go alongside their reports. This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso, Dali and Van Gogh. The pupils loved Van Gogh’s famous “Starry Night” and had a go at creating their own versions.

The Nursery children have been learning about “people who help us”. Last week the children loved being “teachers”; they carried out lessons using the interactive whiteboards and played “school” in the role play area. Their favourite job was taking the register!

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