Gracias amigos! Britain spends five billion on Spanish fruit and vegetables

Mallorcan new potatoes always in demand


Britain spends an average of almost five billion pounds every years buying Spanish fruit and vegetables including hundreds of tons of Mallorcan new potatoes. British tourists spend an average of 13 billion euros on Spanish holidays but the Spanish farming industry also makes billions.

Spain plays a strategic role for the UK's food security, as it is the UK's main supplier of fresh produce. Almost a quarter of the vegetables imported by the United Kingdom come from Spain and in the case of products such as lettuce, this figure rises to 80 percent.

Do you buy Mallorcan new potatoes in Britain? Tell us why


The United Kingdom is the fifth largest destination for Spanish agri-food exports and the largest non-EU country. In 2023, these exports totalled 4.82 billion euros, with a positive balance for Spain of 3.848 billion euros. The main exported products are vegetables (1.278 billion euros), fresh fruit (875 million euros) and wine (312 million euros).

Seven out of ten potatoes grown in Sa Pobla on Mallorca are exported to Britain, a trade which maintains an estimated 100 local jobs.

There had been fears that since Brexit Spanish exports to Britain would decline but this has not proved to be the case.

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