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A royal touch of Kate Middleton in Mallorca

Swedish Crown Princess wears dress by one of Princess of Wales’s favourite designers

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden in Palma this weekend. | julian Aguirre

| Palma |

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden went to Palma Cathedral on Sunday to attend a christening, which was held secretly and in the strictest privacy. Despite the security arrangements that had been set up, the large gathering of people meant that she did not go unnoticed and was quickly recognised by several residents and some tourists who had gathered in the area.

For the ceremony, Victoria chose a beautiful dress by Indian designer Saloni Lodha and red, high-heeled shoes. This garment is a Saloni design and its founder has dressed other royal celebrities such as Kate Middleton and Beatrice of York. In fact, the same model worn by the Crown Princess of Sweden, which was not the first time she chose it for an event, was acquired by Mary of Denmark.

The Claudia midi dress, cut at the waist, with long sleeves, a knot at the neck, a slit at the back and a flounce, available in various colours, has an estimated price of around 800 euros. The ceremony took place at the main altar, illuminated by the 35 lamps of Gaudí’s impressive baldachin.

From the door in front of the Almudaina Palace, some onlookers were able to follow, behind the sturdy wrought iron enclosure, the service that took place under the marvellous main rose window. The good acoustics of the church also made it possible to listen to the saxophonist playing John Lennon’s song Imagine.

Lodha’s designs have been worn by Anne Hathaway, Deepika Padukone and Michelle Obama, among others. Lodha was brought up in India and lived in Hong Kong and Seoul, before setting shop in London.

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