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Sixty hectares affected by fire in Albufera

Ten people had to be evacuated

| Sa Pobla | |

The fire that broke out in the Ses Jonqueres Veres area near Sa Pobla on Tuesday afternoon affected sixty hectares of Albufera - mainly reed.

At 6.30pm, the Ibanat agency said that the fire was under control, it having been declared around 2pm. The risk level was downgraded from Level 1 (threat to property) to Level 0.

Firefighting planes continued to fly until half six, the fire fortunately having been brought under control before the light started to fade; the planes can't operate in darkness.

The firefighters weren't helped by a strong breeze, and windy conditions continue to be forecast. Fire crews from Alcudia, Inca and Manacor dealt with the fire on the ground.

Ten people needed to be evacuated.

Fires in Albufera are unfortunately not uncommon. The most devastating in recent years was in September 2020, when 438 hectares were affected, around one-fifth of the Albufera Nature Park.

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