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Deya the most valuable municipality in the Balearics

The Balearic Islands are worth 83,937 million euros

Deya. The total value may be low by comparison, but not the average value. | Teresa Ayuga

| Palma |

According to 2023 land registry data, the Balearic Islands are worth 83,937 million euros. This cadastral value is the highest it has ever been, progressive increases having been registered since 2016. For three years prior to 2016 the value went down.

More than half this value (48,868 million euros) corresponds to everything built as housing and for residential use. There are also values for the likes of shops, offices, churches. All the religious buildings add up to 163.3 million euros. Unique buildings, such as La Lonja in Palma, are valued at 477.8 million euros.

Rustic land, which in general terms can't be developed, is valued at 4,730 million euros, under six per cent of the total value.

Palma, obviously enough, has the highest cadastral value at a municipal level. This is 23,300 million euros. But an average of 72,580 euros is well off being the highest.

Deya, with a total value of 209 million euros, has an average value of 206,983 euros, which makes it the most valuable municipality in the Balearics.

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