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Mallorca on forest fire red alert

Calls for “maximum precaution”, guide to what to do

Forest fire have broken out across Spain this week. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Palma |

The Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with the forecasts of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), is maintaining the high alert for the risk of forest fires and high temperatures in a large part of the country. It warns that there is a practically generalised risk of forest fires throughout the country, so that “it is necessary to take extreme precautions to avoid their outbreak”; and asks that, if a fire is discovered at its start, 112 should be called immediately.

According to the AEMET, today temperatures will continue to rise in Andalusia, the Ebro valley and more markedly in inland areas of the Mediterranean, where westerly winds will intensify. Maximum temperatures are expected to reach 40-42ºC in the valleys of the Guadalquivir and the Ebro, the Genil basin, the central depression of Catalonia, the Empordà, the interior of Mallorca and a large part of the southeastern interior of the peninsula, with temperatures locally exceeding 40ºC in these areas.

According to the Spanish government: What are the possible origins of a forest fire?
The heat source that ignites combustible plant material may be of natural origin (e.g. lightning), but most forest fires have a human origin, either due to negligence in fire management (agricultural and livestock burning, burning of rubbish, cigarette butts, pyrotechnics, etc.), by chance (sparks from power lines, vehicle accidents, etc.) or intentionally.

What are the basic recommendations for dealing with forest fires?
Avoid throwing cigarettes, litter and glass bottles that can act as a magnifying glass.
Do not light fires or bonfires in the countryside or on land near to it.
Pay special attention to the autonomous community rules on fire prevention and authorised periods for stubble burning.
Camp only in authorised areas, as they have fire protection measures in place, and evacuation is easier.
If the fire is discovered when it is just taking hold, call 112 immediately.
In the event of a fire, avoid going into the countryside or forest.
In the event of a forest fire emergency, always follow the instructions of the competent authorities.

What preventive measures should be taken in the vicinity of a country house?
Do not burn leaves or other plant debris on hot or windy days or without permission.
Have a plan of action in case of forest fires.
Know the possible evacuation routes.
Keep access roads to houses clear of grass and weeds.
Keep roofs clear of combustible materials.

What preventive measures should be taken in the countryside?
Do not light fires
Put matches and cigarettes out properly and never throw them out of car windows.
Do not leave bottles, glass objects or rubbish behind.
Only burn stubble or plant debris with authorisation and under safe conditions. Keep an eye on it while it is burning and do not leave until it is completely extinguished, checking the embers thoroughly. Care should also be taken with machinery that can generate sparks or electric shocks.

How should you act in the vicinity of a forest fire?
Call 112 as a matter of urgency
If the fire is very small or incipient, try to put it out, always prioritising safety.
If the fire gets bigger, move away in the opposite direction to the smoke and breathe through your nose, taking care to cover it with a damp cloth.
Always run downhill and do not seek refuge in deep areas.
Do not attempt to cross the flames; if there is no other way out, cross where the front is weakest.
In the event that the fire catches up with you, you need to situate yourself in the area that is already burned and always turn away from the prevailing wind.
If your clothes catch fire, do not run, but roll on the ground and, if you have a blanket, cover yourself with it.

What should be done if a fire breaks out near a house?
Use hoses to wet the roof and surrounding area
Do not throw water in areas where there may be electrical wires.
Close all doors, windows and shutters to prevent air currents and flames from entering.
Plug cracks on the outside with water-soaked cloths.
Disconnect all supplies
In the event of an evacuation order, the instructions of the competent authority must be followed. In the absence of such an order, it is advisable not to leave the house.

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