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More than one hundred groups will take part in Sunday's tourism protest

"We long for a fair, egalitarian economic model that addresses the current ecological and social crisis"

Protest in Palma in May that attracted some 10,000 people. | Pere Bota

| Palma |

A total of 111 groups of varying kinds will take part in the protest in Palma on Sunday organised by the Menys Turisme, Més Vida platform (Less Tourism, More Life).

The organisers say that the protest is the result of months of work that has "inspired citizen initiatives". 'Let's change direction, let's place limits on tourism' is the main slogan for an action which is "against mass tourism and a process of touristification that suffocates us, condemns us to impoverishment and the continued precariousness of our lives, and an irreversible degradation of the territory and the natural and cultural heritage of the islands".

"The demonstration is taking place in the middle of the tourist season and we want it to be a turning point and the start of continuous mobilisation on the streets, in neighbourhoods, towns and villages, workplaces, educational centres, the agricultural sector in the fight for housing."

Seeking an abandonment of tourism monoculture, the organisers add: "The change we demand is not of a tourist type. We long for a fair, egalitarian economic model that addresses the current ecological and social crisis."

They are seeking repercussions internationally among tourism markets: "To put pressure on the political class so that, beyond changes in discourse and false manoeuvres, they attend to the demands of organised civil society in favour of limiting and decreasing tourism and a change of model."

Support has come from Mallorca's cultural scene, such as from Pau Debon, lead singer with the indie band Antònia Font. In a video on social media, he says "it is necessary that we do something, that we set limits".

A YouTuber, Toni Horrach, has invited citizens to take part. "If you're tired of mass tourism and don't want Mallorca to become a theme park, you shouldn't miss it."

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