Homicide investigation into death of Irish tourist in Magalluf

He was on holiday with his wife and two children

Magaluf, Mallorca

The body was found on C. Martín Ros García. | Alejandro Sepúlveda

| Calvia |

The Guardia Civil have launched a homicide investigation into the death of the 45-year-old Irish tourist whose body was found on C. Martín Ros García in Magalluf around 4.30am on Monday.

The on-call medical examiner who went to the scene established that his wounds were consistent with having been run over. In addition, there were two bite marks on his body and a cut wound made with glass. An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday.

Investigators are studying images from security cameras in the area in the search for the driver and in seeking to establish if this was the same person who had caused the other injuries. These indicate that there had been a confrontation at some point.

The Irishman was on holiday with his wife and two children; he had tattoos with their names. He was wearing a hotel wristband, which enabled police to locate the family. Psychologists were called to the hotel to give them support.

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