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Illegal booze selling continuing in Arenal

A number of businesses are complaining about the illegal sale

The supply of alcohol is from a different unit to that at which it is purchased.

| Palma |

When the Balearic government presented its reformed tourism of excesses law, there was a row about shops staying open all night and potentially selling alcohol between 9.30pm and 8am, which is when the sale is banned in those few resorts to which the decree applies.

This was eventually resolved to the satisfaction of critics from opposition parties and business sectors such as the hoteliers. However, it would appear that a way is being found to get round the restrictions.

A number of businesses on the frontline in Arenal are complaining about a disregard for the hours and the sale of alcohol to minors. The way this is being done is by payment at one shop but the supply of alcohol from other premises. In one particular case, the other unit is a form of warehouse. Customers pay at the shop, then wait outside the other unit. A check is made to ensure there are no police around and the bottles of booze are handed over.

A local resident asks: "How can there not be drunkenness if there is access to cheap alcohol at any time of the night?"

The vice-president of the Arenal residents association, Alain Cabonell, wonders: "We have the law of excesses and Palma ordinance and yet this happens."

Despite the law and bylaw, he believes that regulations aren't clear and are being taken advantage of. He explains that new Palma ordinance is currently in draft form and that it clashes with that in Llucmajor.

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