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Residents of Palma's Parc de ses Estacions area are "desperate"

The town hall has said that it will regulate events

Police at Parc de ses Estacions. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Palma |

Residents in the Parc de ses Estacions area of Palma say they are becoming increasingly "desperate" because of noise as well as drug dealing and anti-social behaviour.

They are drawing particular attention to music events that go on until the early hours of the morning. The president of the Pont d'es Tren residents association, Maria Antònia Company, says: "People are upset, the noise is continuous and daily."

She adds: "We have informed the town hall. They have told us that they are aware of this and are going to regulate the hours."

The various activities in Parc de ses Estacions have added to longstanding problems, such as the behaviour of young people and shanties that appear from time to time.

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