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Roadblock in Bunyola, and there's nothing the town hall can do about it

Heavy traffic and speeding are the reasons

The roadblock. | Fernando Fernández

| Bunyola |

The road in Bunyola that connects Palmanyola and Santa Maria has been closed by residents.

This unilateral decision by residents in the Es Puig Verd area has been taken because of the large number of vehicles that use this road to go to the Sa Coma development and the Joan March Hospital. Residents also point to the speeding on what is a narrow road.

Remarkably enough, or so it may seem, Bunyola town hall has no power to intervene. The reason is that the area has never been officially 'received' by the town hall. In Mallorca there are numerous examples of private developments for which town halls have become fully responsible or have not.

In this particular case there is a so-called compensation board of residents that manages the road.

There is an alternative route to the hospital and Sa Coma - from the Soller road.

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