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Tourist overcrowding and housing - the two main concerns for the people of the Balearics

Low salaries rank third

Es Trenc. | Patricia Lozano

| Palma |

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Two hot topics at present, it is perhaps no surprise that the citizens of the Balearics should rank excessive tourist numbers (especially in summer) and unaffordable prices for buying or renting a home as their two main concerns.

These are findings of a survey by the Balearic Institute of Social Studies, which ranks low salaries third among the islanders' concerns.

The lack of qualified and poorly paid jobs is the fourth most common problem, followed by overdependence on tourism and problems of coexistence caused by illegal holiday apartments. In tenth place is traffic congestion.

Asked whether they believed there is a solution to the problem of access to housing, 57% said yes. As to whether they believed that the Partido Popular government was correctly addressing problems facing the people of the Balearics, there were more or less even splits in opinion in Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza. Formentera, with 46% no, 34% yes and 20% don't knows, was the only island where there was a clear no.

In terms of political parties, 73% of PP voters believed that the government was addressing problems correctly. This was down to 45% for Vox voters, 16% for PSOE and one per cent for Més.

Conducted between May 13 and 17, the survey was of 1,300 people - 600 in Mallorca (300 of whom were in Palma), 300 in Menorca, 300 in Ibiza and 100 in Formentera.

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