A better life with less tourism, according to a Mallorca survey

Responsibility needs to be taken for the collateral effects of tourism

Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Tourists in Palma in April. | Tomàs Moyà - Europa Press

| Palma |

A study on the social sustainability of tourism in Mallorca finds that 85.7% of people believe that they would live better if there was less tourism; 81.2% of people whose jobs depend on tourism in some way are of the same view.

The study was by Fundament, an association based in Valldemossa, which - as its website explains - seeks solutions to real problems through design and to "alleviate situations of tension derived from coexistence".

This study relates to 2023, there having been a previous study for 2022. A perception of the negative impacts of tourism increased by 33% from 2022. Among other results, 72% of people say they have had problems accessing housing due to the proliferation of tourist apartments.

81% of those surveyed recognise that the impact of tourism on daily life is inevitable; 97% point out that tourism makes life more expensive in Mallorca; 81% believe that tourism does not respect or value local culture.

The report concludes that responsibility needs to be taken for the collateral effects of tourism. Authorities must implement stricter regulations and effective policies, while tourism companies must assume a significant part of the responsibility due to the financial benefits they obtain.

The survey was of 420 people, the majority of whom were residents of Palma.

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