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May chaos on the roads in Mallorca

Gridlock to Soller and Formentor

Traffic jams already building up in the direction of Mallorca's top beauty spots. | Teresa Ayuga

| | Palma |

The start of peak tourist season, combined with weekends and public holidays such as this May 1, have created traffic gridlock in some parts of Mallorca.

The roads in the Serra de Tramuntana have been jammed this Wednesday and Thursday with the Soller road and the Formentor road in Pollensa worst affected.
Kilometre-long queues have been recorded on the road between Soller and the Port.

Today (Thursday) the Soller local police reported a series of occasional traffic cuts from the tunnel as a result of the high volume of traffic in the Palma-Soller direction.
A new example of the overcrowding suffered by this area of the Serra de Tramuntana.

This traffic density and the traffic jams, together with the lack of parking, also affect the town of Soller.
A similar situation is happening in Pollensa, where the access road to the Cap de Formentor is also jammed.
Dozens of cars are trying to reach the lighthouse, which has generated traffic jams of around two hours.

“Normally it takes just under two hours to get to the top, but today it will take at least three and a half hours,” lamented a group of workers in the area.
They complained that the situation is repeated “daily” and that “no matter how many times we call the Guardia Civil, nobody does anything”.

The road is jammed from the Colomer viewpoint to the lighthouse, which means some 14 kilometres of traffic jams.
In January Pollensa Council asked the government and the Council of Mallorca to extend the restrictions on access to the lighthouse, so that they would begin in May and end at the end of October (and not in June and September, respectively).

Moreover, the situation did not start this May; videos of traffic jams in Formentor have been posted on social networks since March. They showed how cars, after hours of queuing to get to the lighthouse car park, had to turn around because it was already full.

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