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The Council will resurface seven kilometres of Palma's 'Vía de Cintura' at night

Work will begin in September

The Consell will resurface between the Estadi Balear and the roundabouts on the Valldemossa road. | JAUME MOREY

| Palma |

The Consell de Mallorca will resurface a large part of Palma's ring road at night after more than 20 years without reinforcing the road surface. The work will begin in September, after the high season, and will cover a stretch of about seven kilometres, between the Estadi Balear and the roundabouts on the Valldemossa road. This was explained by sources from the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, who yesterday reported that they will have a budget of 11.5 million euros to improve the asphalt.

This measure is expected to reduce the noise caused by traffic, which will be accompanied by the installation of acoustic panels along the road to mitigate this impact. The island institution will allocate a total of more than 16 million euros, from the 2023 treasury surplus, to improve Mallorca's road network and to promote civic road projects.

Part of the surplus will go to the 20 million campaign budgeted for this year to improve the road surface of the island's secondary roads. The much-requested reform of the road linking Bunyola-Orient-Alaró will also be promoted with a budget of 5.8 million euros. Likewise, some three million euros will be invested in the construction of roundabouts such as the one at the Campos exit towards Colonia de Sant Jordi or the new asphalt on the Palma-Sineu road from Els Hostalots. As for civic roads, 1.9 million euros will be allocated to the construction of the pedestrian and bicycle lane project that will link Portol (Marratxí) with Santa Maria and to complete the Alaro civic road.

New lanes

Another major measure planned by the Consell de Mallorca is to add two extra lanes to the ring road. The ring road has three lanes, but at the level crossing at the Can Blau roundabout there are only two, which causes traffic jams, especially in the morning. The idea is to gain a left lane by redefining the current layout of the road. The technicians also see the feasibility of adding another lane to the median between the junction with the ring road from the Inca motorway and up to the height of the prison to prevent drivers from having to brake when joining the road. In this case, major works would have to be carried out.

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