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Quiet Palma neighbourhood hit by wave of burglaries

Some older people haven't been reporting break-ins

Security camera evidence has been forwarded to the police.

| Palma |

Establiments is a quiet part of Palma which has a high population of older people, many of whom live alone. In recent weeks, there have been a number of break-ins, usually in broad daylight. A WhatsApp group has been created, its information exchange including security camera videos of burglars.

The National Police have been provided with the evidence from cameras. The videos include images inside properties - drawers being searched for valuables, for instance.

Investigations are understood to be at an advanced stage. Arrests could be made in a matter of days.

One resident stresses the importance of reporting any break-in to the police. "Some older people have not reported being robbed because so little was taken. This is a big mistake."

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