Police assaulted as they prevent three squats in Palma in a matter of hours

Five arrests were made

National Police in Palma, Mallorca

The National Police responded to three similar incidents. | Alejandro Sepúlveda

| Palma |

On Friday, the National Police in Palma prevented three apartments from being occupied by squatters in the space of four hours. Five people were arrested - three Spaniards, a Colombian and an Ecuadorian.

The three incidents were in Camp Redó, Son Malferit and Pere Garau, and they were similar in that alarm systems had been disabled.

The first was in Camp Redó. The police were called around 11.45am by a security company which had installed an alarm system on Thursday; the alarm had stopped functioning after a few hours. Officers were met by a company technician who had gone to the property, discovered that the system had been disabled and that a window had been broken.

The officers knocked on the door. A man opened it. Realising it was the police, he slammed the door and locked himself in. Family members then attacked the officers. Arrests were eventually made for occupation, causing damage and resistance to authority.

The second incident, in Son Malferit, was around 1.30pm. The police again responded to a call informing them that an alarm system had been disabled. On this occasion, a man who was inside the apartment claimed to have been living there for a week. This was totally false, as the alarm system and new locks had been fitted the day before.

The man and a woman who was also in the apartment had in fact been evicted from the property on Thursday prior to the alarm system being installed.

In Pere Garau, a security company, which had the keys to an apartment, found that the front door had been forced open and that the alarm system had been ripped out. In one of the rooms was a man who said that he intended to squat there. He was immediately arrested.

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