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Fear that ruling will open the floodgates to Uber-style licences in Mallorca

Balearic legislation is designed to raise obstacles to Uber

Uber currently operates in a limited way in Mallorca. | Patricia Lozano

| Palma |

The Balearic government has expressed its alarm at a ruling of the Supreme Court in Madrid that revokes a 2018 decision of the Madrid regional government to deny thousands of authorisations for VTC licences.

The Madrid region limited VTC (vehicle transport with driver) licences to one for every thirty taxi licences. The ruling not only overturns this but leaves the door open for twenty per cent of authorisations requested before September 2018 to be operated in other Spanish regions.

This, says the Balearic government, would allow companies to operate in the Balearics with licences from other regions.

The Balearic parliament is due to approve a legal reform that raises obstacles to VTC licences, which are the ones with which Uber operates in Mallorca (currently in a limited way). This reform would nullify thousands of requests for licences by Uber-style operators in recent years. The regional government is nevertheless aware that the Spanish government would have to approve this.

The Balearic minister for mobility, Marta Vidal, is due to raise all this at a meeting with Spain's transport minister, Óscar Puente.

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