Several armed hooded men attack a police van transporting a prisoner

Eyewitnesses indicated that the individuals were armed

The hooded men attacked a Guardia Civil van.

The hooded men attacked a Guardia Civil van.

| Ibiza |

Ibiza was the scene this Monday of a violent assault perpetrated by hooded men who boarded a Guardia Civil van that was transporting an inmate from Ibiza prison to a medical centre.

According to information from the Guardia Civil, the events occurred at around 11 am, when two men, whose faces were covered, approached the agents who were driving the prisoner, who had been transferred to a dental clinic. The same sources indicated that the agents managed to hold the prisoner after a struggle with the assailants.

Eyewitnesses indicated that the individuals were armed, a circumstance that has not been officially confirmed.

National Police officers who were in the area collaborated in the operation.

The State Security Forces and Corps have deployed an operation to find the assailants, who were travelling in a dark SUV.

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