Sharks in Mallorca waters: 16 Nursehounds released in the El Toro marine reserve

The species is also known as the large-spotted dogfish or greater spotted dogfish

16 Nursehounds released in the El Toro marine reserve | Youtube: Majorca Daily Bulletin TV

| Palma |

A group of 16 nursehoud sharks born in captivity have been released in the Isla del Toro marine reserve thanks to the 'Petits Taurons-Acció Stellaris' recovery project. The project is the result of a partnership between the government and the organisations Fundación Palma Aquarium, Save the Med, Sharkmed, Mallorca Preservation Fund, Marilles and Iniciativa Pequeñas Islas Mediterráneas (PIM), with the collaboration of the fishermen's associations of Formentera, Cala Rajada and Baleària, according to a press release from the ministry of agriculture, fisheries and the natural environment.

The nursehound 'Scyliorhinus stellaris', also known as the large-spotted dogfish, greater spotted dogfish or bull huss, is listed as endangered in the Balearic red book of fishes and to address the critical situation of sharks in the Mediterranean, this project was born in June 2021.

Its aim is to increase the wild populations of these sharks in the Balearic Sea by breeding them in a controlled artificial environment in the facilities of the Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agroalimentaria y Pesquera-Laboratorio de Investigaciones Marinas y Acuicultura (Irfap-Limia), the Cabrera National Park and the Palma Aquarium.

This is the second release of this species in Balearic waters. The first was last March in the marine reserve of Cabrera, with a total of 16 individuals released. Since the project began two years ago, 208 nursehounds have been born in these three breeding centres. In addition, 160 eggs at different stages of incubation have been carefully monitored.

It is also planned to introduce another 50 specimens in the near future in the National Park of the Cabrera archipelago. These actions represent a significant step forward in the initiative and reinforce the ongoing commitment of the 'Petits Taurons-Acción Stellaris' project.

The head of the Marine Resources Service of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, Eva Moragues, was present at the release ceremony, as well as representatives and technicians from the organisations involved in the project.

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