Palma declared a ‘bullfighting city’ again

Government urged to allow minors to attend bullfights

Bullfighting will return to Palma.

Bullfighting will return to Palma. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Palma |

Palma City Council has approved a proposal presented by Vox for Palma to once again become a ‘bullfighting city’ and urged the council to “put pressure on the Balearic Government” to ensure that minors can attend bullfights.

In 2015 the council declared Palma as an ‘anti-bullfighting’ municipality, that has now been repealed. In a statement the council stated: “it has been achieved that, definitively, the Constitution can be enforced, since, according to the Constitutional Court and Law 18/2013, bullfighting is considered culture and it is the obligation of public authorities to defend and promote it”.

The proposal of the municipal group of Vox, which has been approved by a majority in the council with the votes of PP and Vox, also urges the government “to comply with point 41 of the government agreement signed between PP and Vox”.

Specifically, the agreement number 41 of the government pact between both formations establishes that law 9/2017, of 3 August, on the regulation of bullfighting and the protection of animals in the Balearics will be modified, specifically its article 12, which currently prevents minors from accessing bullfighting events.

Another point has been approved that “the bullfighting spectacles that have been held in the city for centuries are declared an integrated part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the city of Palma”.

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