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Majorca tourism

The excess tourism decree to be given a new name

Minister Bauzá announced the change of name to avoid "negative connotations"

| Palma |

The Balearic minister for Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzá, announced on Thursday that the so-called decree against tourism excesses will be renamed "responsible tourism", to avoid associating negative terminology with tourism in the legislation to combat anti-social behaviour.

In his appearance before the Parliamentary Tourism Committee to report on the general guidelines for government action for the next four years, Bauzá criticised the fact that during the periods of the left-wing coalition governments - 2015-2023 - the number of tourist places had increased by 115,000.

"At certain times, in certain places and under certain circumstances we have tourist saturation", said Bauzà on the consequences of this increase in the number of places. "I would ask people to stop talking about overcrowding because what we have is saturation in certain places and at certain times," he said.

According to Bauzà, the so-called decree of excesses has been a failure. In order "to change this negative vision" it will become responsible tourism.

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