Majorca tourism

Balearics foreign tourism rose five per cent in June

Tourist spending rose by 12.6%

Cala Galiota, Colonia Sant Jordi, Mallorca

UK and German tourism both 30.9% of share. | M. Cladera

| Palma |

The latest figures for foreign tourist arrivals, published on Wednesday, indicate that the Balearics attracted 5.1% more tourists in June than in the same month of last year. The total was 2,058,060. There were 1,958,645 foreign tourists in June 2022. By comparison with pre-pandemic June 2019, there was a slight fall; in 2019 the total was 2,065,329.

The islands' two main foreign markets - UK and Germany - both supplied 30.9% of June's tourists. In the absence as yet of specific figures, these percentages both point to an increase in the number of tourists. In June 2022 there were 619,166 German tourists and 529,754 UK; 30.9% suggests totals of around 636,000.

Of a national total of 8.3 million tourists (up 10.9% from last June), the Balearics received 24.7%, the highest in the country ahead of Catalonia (21.9%) and Andalusia (13.9%).

In terms of spending, the Balearics rose 12.6% compared with June 2022 to 2,453 million euros. Nationally, spending was 10,606 million, an increase of 17.5%.

Average spend per tourist per day in the Balearics was up 8.3% to 195 euros and average spend per tourist per stay rose 7.2% to 1,192 euros. The average length of stay was down one day to 6.1.

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