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Wave of robberies from Alcudia holiday villas

One property has been robbed twice

The Guardia Civil are investigating a number of reports. | Alejandro Sepúlveda

| Alcudia |

A holiday rentals agency that operates in the Alcudia area says that there have been three robberies from villas over the past ten days. The agency adds that its properties aren't the only ones affected. There have been other reports in the last fortnight.

In the case of the agency, these are properties at the entrance to Alcudia coming from Inca. Of the three robberies, two have been from the same villa. In each instance, the robberies occurred when people were there. On one occasion, a couple went upstairs to change their baby's nappy. When they came down, they found that all the notes had been taken from their wallets. The properties are being watched. A moment's inattention or doors and windows not locked or closed, and the thieves take advantage.

On another occasion, a person was scared off when he was seen by the occupants. "This individual had jumped over the fence but very quickly decided to leave when he saw the people." He was wearing a white t-shirt, was short and must have weighed around 70 kilos, the agency explains.

There was also one instance when a resident was suspicious of a parked car with two men. When the resident approached the car, it was quickly driven off.

The Guardia Civil are investigating a number of reports.

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