Pollensa restaurant denounces town hall to the prosecution service

To do with the granting of licences

Andrés Camarote, proprietor of La Scalinata restaurant in Pollensa, Mallorca

Andrés Camarote, proprietor of La Scalinata. | Pascual Ribot

| Pollensa |

La Scalinata restaurant in the heart of Pollensa and close to the town hall building has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office about the town hall, the current councillor for urban planning, ex-mayor Tomeu Cifre, being mentioned specifically.

The proprietor, Andrés Camarote, accuses the town hall of "administrative silence" in respect of licences for the restaurant. He feels "persecuted by the councillor" and that there is a "comparative grievance with other establishments".

Cifre insists that the town hall is following the laws to the letter. "If they have not been granted a licence, it is because they they have not presented certain details. The only ones who are not complying with the regulations are them."

The restaurant is open despite not having an opening licence. This is because "we understand that by not obtaining a response from the relevant administration, we can carry out the activity". Camarote adds that a hotel project has been started in the same building, "but we have not received a response from the town hall for the licences".

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