What a party! Bulletin event makes the national TV news

Spanish broadcaster RTVE filmed at our coronation event


Our coronation street party at the Mallorca Country Club on Saturday was a big success but what we didn't know was that it would be shown across the country. A team from state broadcaster RTVE joined us just as we were about to sing the national anthem. The next thing we knew was that it was featured on Spanish national TV news as part of their coronation programme.

More than 70 people of all ages attended our event in Santa Ponsa. It was a real family affair with a bouncy castle for children and a giant TV screen showing the coronation for the adults.

To see the video go to https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/telediario-fin-de-semana/residentes-turistas-britanicos-espana-celebran-coronacion/6883898/

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