Madeleine McCann: the Mallorca mystery

Two possible sights in Cala d´Or in summer of 2008


Two seperate reports of possible sightings of Madeleine McCann in the same area and during the same summer a year after her disappearace in 2008. This is the Madeleine McCann mystery in Mallorca and the first possible sighting was investigated by the Spanish police who were in contact with their British counterparts.

What we know:

A British couple on holiday in Cala d´Or said that they had seen a little girl resembling Madeleine on the beach on two occasions. The child was accompanied by two women, who had dark complexions unlike Madeleine. They told police at the time that they had seen the child and two women on two occasions. When the Bulletin published this report another British family contacted us stating: "We visited in 2008 with the family as I had my 50th birthday there. This was my mother’s last visit to Cala d'Or as she was nearly 80 years old. One of the things that stood out though was she told her us she had seen Madeleine on the Cala Gran beach, on two occasions during our stay, sitting in a pushchair with what appeared to be a wig on. At the time we dismissed her remark but now we do wonder."

Police investigation

The Spanish police tried to trace the toddler and the two women after the first sighting report but their attempts proved unsuccessful. The child and two women had disappeared.


It is unclear whether the two possible sightings were during the same period or later on during the summer.


Granted that police received a large number of possible sightings of Madeleine McCann from across the globe but it is unusual that two came from a relatively small tourist resort in Mallorca at least during the same summer.

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